Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rumour Mill - DNDN

Well the bashing has been silent since yesterday.

Now a rumour pops up on the trading wires. Something to the effect that the New England Medical Journal will be publishing an article on Provenge.

This might be true , but I am highly skeptical.


Well Friday is options day. The day the New England Medical Journal comes out on Thrusday - what a coincidence right? It is very important to the shorts to get the stock down on Friday.

So instead of bashing , it is not uncommon to throw out a false rumour or half truths.

This way they get the 'stupid money' ( retail longs) to get excited and buy buy buy so that the price of the shares inflate. At that time they short again.

Then come Thursday and the New England Medical Journal comes out sans an article - people will start mass selling and the shorts accomplish their goal . Not only making the stock go down on Friday but making money in the process.

Longs seem to be catching on , so I don't think they are going to accomplish what they are setting out to do if that is indeed that case.

Since the shorts have been so quite on the Dendreon front I would be highly skeptical of this rumour.

Update - It was just a rumour. No such article in this week's NEMJ.